Assert the occupation, position and job scope to which you have been hired for.
Assert for one’s entitlements to all wages, compensation and benefits agreed upon in the employment contract.
Be professional; maintain self-respect, good image and track record.
Ensure personal health as well as psycho-social and economic well-being; be aware of one’s vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS.
Be responsible for one’s safety and security at all times, including that of one’s belongings and personal property.
Notify the nearest Philippine embassy or diplomatic mission of your presence in the country of work.
Provide ample financial and moral support to your family in the Philippines.
Communicate with your family as often as you can and make your presence felt just as if you were around.
Provide them detailed information and documents about your overseas employment.
Be faithful to your spouse.
Assist and cooperate with other OFWs working in the same site, especially in times of crisis.
Support OFW organizations or Filipino diaspora groups and contribute to their productive role.
Uphold the laws and interests of the Republic of the Philippines and to defend it, if warranted.
Abide by the rules and regulations aimed at promoting the worker’s interest and enhancing national gains.
Be the Ambassador of goodwill, projecting the good in the Filipino.
Avoid wilful commission of punishable crime, causing to draw sensational public sympathy to put undue pressure to Philippine authorities to come to your rescue.
Respect the mores, customs and traditions of the country.
Respect and obey the laws of the host country.
Fulfil your duties and responsibilities provided in your employment contract
Observe basic work place decorum, code of ethics and company policy;
Handle company equipment and property with due diligence and care
Engage in prostitution, drug trafficking, illegal recruitment, human smuggling & trafficking or other transnational crimes whether as principal party or accessory.
Possess deadly weapons, explosives and prohibited drugs, alcohol, pornographic or other contraband materials.
Solicit services of unauthorized manpower brokers and fixers for clandestine migration.
Succumb to “4D” jobs – dirty, dangerous, demeaning
Abandon your family, particularly support for children; and don’t forget to provide support for your children.
Bring your family, especially young children, to hardship posts or countries where there is high risk to one’s welfare and life security.
Degrade a colleague or put him/her in bad light in order to get a position/rank or other personal gains.
Act as an unofficial remittance courier for all its risks of loss or robbery or spend for personal use money entrusted by fellow workers.
Invent lies and allegations against fellow OFWs to have them deported, detained or be under police surveillance.
Unduly put the Philippine Embassy, the Philippine Overseas Labor Officers and service attaché corps in a bad light.
Spread rumours and other forms of misinformation which could cause panic or threaten public interest.
Take sides and join civil or international conflicts at the country of work.
Disregard official travel and other precautionary advisories, especially during wars, conflicts and disasters posing threat to safety, life and property.
Commit felony such as murder or any other crime punishable by Philippine law and by their law.
Use, possess and/or sell prohibited drugs.
Gamble in countries prohibiting such activity.
Drink excessively especially in countries where alcoholic beverages are prohibited.
Smuggle or break customs regulations of the Philippines or of the host country.
Engage in moon lighting which jeopardizes use of official work hours or draw conflict of interest
Spend for personal use company’s funds or commit any form of theft/ robbery and/or vandalism