Important – New restrictions on social gatherings
Due to the increasing numbers of Covid-19 infections in Iceland, the Minister of Health has decided upon new Covid-19 restrictions from 13th of November until at least 8th of December.
• The restrictions on the number of people who are allowed to gather in one location is **50 people **(children 5 years and younger do not count)
• Use of a mask is mandatory if i’ts not possible to respect a 1 metre social distance. This does not apply for children 5 years or younger.
• Bars and restaurants will close at 10pm.
• Swimming pools and gyms are allowed to have 75% of their maximum guest capacity
Personal hygiene is very important to help to protect yourself and others.
If you have flu-like symptoms it is important that you get tested for Covid-19, even if symptoms are minor and you’re vaccinated.
Contact your service provider if you need to get tested.
For more information: visit
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If you are an asylum seeker living in one of Immigration’s housing facilities, you must contact your security guard if you feel ill or believe to have COVID-19 symptoms. If you are housed by the Social Services, contact your social worker for further information.
For more information about COVID-19, visit
You can protect yourself and others from infection by following these simple instructions:
- Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time.
- When you are not able to wash your hands, a hand sanitizer can be of use. It is good to disinfect your hands, especially after touching items which others frequently touch, such as credit card terminals, door handles, hand rails and the like. The Directorate of Health’s website contains various information on the virus and precautions.
- If you need to cough or sneeze, sneeze into the crook of your arm or into a disposable tissue. This prevents spraying from occurring. Be careful not to cough or sneeze directly at other people.
- Restrict close communication with other people, for instance through handshakes and hugging. Find other ways of greeting that do not involve physical contact.
- Avoid touching your face with your hands, especially your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Clean more often surfaces that are frequently used.
- If you are a senior citizen or with a persistent illness, consider staying away from crowds and family gatherings.
- Avoid associating with people who have symptoms similar to the flu.
- Where the 2-metre rule cannot be enforced, face masks that cover the mouth and nose must be used. But in cases where it is possible to ensure a 2-metre distance between persons, face masks need not be worn. The general use of face masks in public is not recommended. Face masks will never replace basic infection control that must be used at all times: washing hands, general hygiene and the cleaning of contact surfaces. Face masks do not replace the 2-metre rule in e.g. shops, bars and cafés. It is important to read the instruction on the use of face masks in order to use them correctly.